Kristen Boyd
Kristen Boyd's fascination of community was organically rooted in the environment in which she was raised. She grew up with three families who lived life together on a day to day basis. The phrase it takes a village to raise a child comes into application here as there were 9 children raised in this group by 6 adults. Each set of parents had a different parenting method due to their own upbringing and the major difference at some points was communication. They as kids learned different forms and methods of communication that have carried with them to adulthood. But all the skills they have learned as children now are defeated due to the massive shift and dependence of technology. When revisiting her community as an adult and working through her own method of communication, She began to document from her sample group of community and noticed just when prompted to do whatever they normally did in their home environment the subjects automatically began to engage with electronic devices or media.
Through the self-reflection and written documentation of her journals titled, "The Photographic ADHD Mind," she unpacks her mental illness and the frustrations that she is faced with in understanding her communities methods of communication. Different rules apply, than that of which she was taught and sometimes understands. Her audience is for all members of society from baby boomers to Gen Z.