Untitled, is an annual competition and exhibition designed to showcase the best work of APA members and beyond – Images that show your unique vision, creative passion, and individualistic style, titled or untitled. This contest is open to all photographers at any level and there are no specific categories, so submit the work that best represents you as a photographer.
Ann M. Jastrab, Executive Director at Center for Photographic Art, and Arianna Rinaldo, Independent curator, photography consultant, and freelance photo editor.
3:00 PM
Depart CBU Photo Studio
5:00 PM
Arrive in San Diego
Explore and have Dinner
6:00 PM
Arrive at Bread & Salt Gallery
8:00 PM
Depart Bread & Salt Gallery, En Route back to CBU Photo Studio
10:00 PM
Arrive back at CBU Photo Studio
Field trip by invite only. Space is limited to 7 students.