Camille Grochowski


Camille Grochowski


“Through her work as a photojournalist, Camille Grochowski has received the opportunity to listen to people talk about their passions, and through that, she has found her own passion. Simply talking to people and learning about their lives, about their stories, is what inspires Camille in pursuing the world of photojournalism. In her eyes, everyone has a story worth sharing. Everyone has something to be proud of.

Camille interacted with strangers she encountered throughout her day and asked them each the same question: “What are you most proud of about yourself right now?” Over the course of this project, Camille has documented the stories of over 20 people. She plans to continue this project within the next year.  Through her work, she strives to show the viewer that they should be proud of themselves. That everyone has a story worth sharing.”


2022 Context + Narrative